"But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Confirmation is not the Sacrament of graduation, but the beginning of a lifelong journey with Christ. During the process, our 8th graders will learn what it means to truly be followers of Christ, and what it is the Catholic Church teaches. The program is designed to allow our candidates to ask questions, and to better understand our faith and its role in the world today.
Our program, called Witness, will help prepare our candidates to answer their Gospel call to witness the Good News. Delving deeper into the faith than ever before, our program covers contemporary issues in the Catholic Church, and emboldens the students to maintain their faith even when the world of a teenager says it is "uncool".
During the program, our candidates attend Mass during each session, go on a have an in-house one day retreat in the Fall, and have a two-night retreat in the Spring. This isn't religious Education like you imagine, but an open environment with the use of technology, serious and silly videos, and prayer all centered around Christ and His Church.
Classes begin this September. But, over the Summer, students are encouraged to begin the process by thinking about which Saint Name they would like to choose, thinking of a Sponsor for the Sacraments and making contact with them, and even working on the required 15 hours of Community service.